Adaptive Music Lessons
What are adaptive music lessons?
Our adaptive music lessons are tailored to meet the needs of specialized populations including; children and adults with developmental disabilities, people with physical disabilities, and people with learning disabilities. These lessons use a therapeutic approach in teaching the skills needed to play instruments while increasing self discipline, self awareness, increasing all motor domains, and improving self esteem through accomplishment.
Some examples of learned skills and techniques used include:
- Use of task analysis; Including breaking the instruction into smaller steps and creating more manageable and easily obtained goals
- Experiencing rhythm patterns through movement and beating on large drums before moving on to other instruments
- Reinforcement of concepts through rhythm instruments, movement, singing and musical games
- Use of color coded notation
- Emphasizing an aural approach to learning written notation
- Playing flashcard and large board games to reinforce music reading.
- Focus on the student’s preferred songs and favorite types of music
- Using pitch and rhythm patterns from the songs students are learning
- Encouragement of creative expression via improvisation and composition
- Pacing the lesson to maintain attention through a variety of activities which vary the level of concentration needed
Instruments that we currently provide lessons for include:
- Drums
- Guitar
- Piano
- Recorder
- Ukulele
Our Music Recitals
Therabeat, Inc. at In Harmony Pediatric Therapy holds two recitals a year for our rock stars in adaptive lessons to shine! Each recital features each of our client’s on stage, then they receive a trophy and a reception follows!
Check out just a few of the many great recital performances below:
Additional Music Therapy Programs:
Music Therapy and Autism
Therapeutic Listening
Therabeat, Inc.